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Frequently Asked Questions


Hope these FAQ's will answer your questions.

 01  What if I don't want the listing?


You are under no obligation to list the property.  You don't have to list the property once you get the actual details, but if you do want the listing you need to honor the agreed terms.



 02  How much do I pay?

There is no upfront payments on the Agent's part.  You only pay us (a fraction of a percentage point) the agreed-upon fee after the close.  We only get paid AFTER you do.  Currently, the base rate is only 0.0033% of the final sale price. 



 03  How do I get the seller information?


If you are selected, we will send you the seller details after you have signed our agreement, obligating you to pay us our qualified lead generation fee after the closing of the property.




 04  Can I change the terms when I sign the seller?


NO. You need to honor the terms you agreed to.  You don't have to take the listing.




 05  Does Leadza get involved in the sale?


No Leadza does not interfere with your selling process, but we may offer some promotion options to help you get buyers in the future. Stay tuned.

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